Executive Function Coaching

Executive Function Coaching

Is Coaching Right for You?

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According to the National Center for Learning Disabilities (2013), executive functions are the mental processes that allow us to use our experience from the past to carry out tasks in the present, including organizing, planning, managing time, paying attention, emotional regulation, and task initiation. These skills are increasingly important in a fast paced complex world with many distractions and competing priorities.

Certain conditions such as ADHD/ADD, anxiety, learning disabilities, and Autism Spectrum disorder can create significant challenges in executive functioning skills and prevent individuals from demonstrating their true capabilities. Education, training, and strategies tailored specifically for the client utilizing strengths can move individuals forward to accomplish goals and aspirations. 

Executive Function Coaching

As a Executive function coach, I help adults struggling with everyday tasks get "unstuck". You or your child is probably trying and trying hard to meet the expectations of peers or coworkers whether at home or in the workplace. ADHD/Executive Function Coaching helps us regulate our behavior, focusing on the current and future skills needed to function in your daily life as well as the skills required to reach your short and long term goals. While daily life demands vary depending on your age, the skills to reach your goals are the same: planning, organizing, following through and completing tasks are the same. Executive function coaching looks at the whole person. Emotional Regulation, sleep, nutrition, exercise, stress management all play an integral part in executive function.

What Executive Function challenges may look like

  • A messy room, home or office 
  • Trouble keeping track of personal belongings
  • Forgetting materials or books needed to do homework
  • Overwhelm or uncompleted projects/tasks at work
  • Difficulty in social situations or maintaining friendships
  • Difficulty remembering and following multi-step instructions
  • Inability to focus/pay attention
  • Struggle to transition from one task to another
  • Immaturity

Is Executive Function coaching just for kids?

Nope! If you are an adult struggling and feeling frustrated, juggling the demands of everyday life whether at home or in your career, coaching can be very helpful. Executive Function coaching focuses on real transformation. Together we identify patterns that may be sabotaging you from reaching your goals. Learn how to work with your brain instead of against it, building daily habits and routines using your current strengths to make daily life run more smoothly.

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