Let I tell you a little about myself... I have always struggled with what seemed to be easy for others..
When I became a mother, in addition to juggling my professional life is when I really began to feel overwhelmed. On the outside it appeared I had it all. I had a wonderful husband, a beautiful family and a fulfilling career in the medical field. On the inside I was the complete opposite! I was so overwhelmed and exhausted as prior strategies I had put in place for I were no longer working. I knew something just wasn’t right but, I just couldn’t put my finger on it. If I was living the American dream, why wasn’t I happy and feeling fulfilled? I could see that what seemed to be easy for other women, like simple everyday tasks and social behaviors; such as time management, goal-setting, problem-solving and simple organization were becoming problematic. I was determined to understand why everything was so much harder for I than it should be. As my kids grew older and began their own struggles, I felt as though everyday, I was putting out fires everywhere and triaging household chaos. Something had to give, so I decided to go back to school in my quest to try to understand the challenges we were facing as a family. I consulted numerous experts on both the medical side and the psychological side, including therapists and teachers. I exhaustively and thoroughly began researching every aspect of this new life hurdle we were experiencing in order to try to fully understand it, so we, as a family, could address it head-on. It was during this journey, that I received my ADHD diagnosis which was my “Aha” moment at tender age 49! So, Now what?
I’m always up for a good challenge and decided to make Limoncello out of my lemons! I was determined to make the most out this new chapter of my life’s journey. I didn’t know how or where to start. (sound familiar?) So I decided to further my education. I really wanted and needed to understand my unique brain. My studies include specific ADHD training with adults, children and families in regards to the ADHD brain’s neuroscience with the tools and resources on how to discover and access the gifts of these neuro-diverse populations. I have always loved working with kids and adults in the medical field, but I found that my true passion was to help those that struggle with the stigma and challenges of diagnosed or non-diagnosed ADHD.
I feel I bring empathy and practical knowledge to my coaching strategies so you can discover your own inner resilience. Are you ready to start living the life you were meant to live? It’s not only wine and cheese that get better with age. This transitional period often referred to as “Midlife” can ultimately be your new beginning!
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